
The Duodecimal Society of America, established in 1944, begins publishing The Duodecimal Bulletin the next year, opening with hearty greetings and salutations. In this first dozen issues, Editor Ralph Beard establishes the “classical” numerals for digits ten and eleven (the “transdecimal” numerals), and basic dozenal facts are explored. Mathematical constants, new measurement systems, cheerful correspondence from the World War II front lines roll into the Bulletin. Expertly drafted figures in “Kin of The Golden Mean” seem to detail the exacting love some felt for the new cause. Dozenalists revel with enthusiasm in their new organization. Some folks like Messrs. Elbrow and Robertson submit all-encompassing dozenal systems of thought. Others like Mary Lloyd pose teasers, games, even poetry and song about the dozen. It seems, near the end of this first duodecade, that the “first generation” of DSA Members are in on the ground floor of a new, practical, and amazing mathematical tool: the dozen!