
This set of dozen issues trends toward attempting to build consensus over measurement systems, resisting an increasing societal tendency toward decimalization, and examining real-world applications for dozenal concepts. The world has moved on from the postwar era, many nations are adopting metric and decimalizing currency. New standards are being set in place, and the dozen seems locked out of consideration. Tom Linton and others explore the application of dozenal dimensioning, while Henry Churchman builds on his “dometric” system of weights and measure. Kothe writes a three-part essay exploring the development of musical notation, proposing a dozenal approach in the third part. Some members begin to show strain and lose hope over the decimalization of world standards. The “Winchester Declarations” in Vol. 22; and the “Boulder Concepts” on page 6 of the next issue attempt to rally the Membership in the face of an increasingly decimal world. Wishful diagrams like that in Mr. Churchman's “Quo Vadis” at Vol. 21; Page 18; still project dozenal victory in the world, while the copy of the article rails against the march of decimal metric. The import for submission to standards authorities of a scalable duodecimal measurement system continues in Mr. Churchman's “Elusive Peace and Base Twelve” in the same issue. The Duodecimal Bulletin begins to publish only once per year near the end of this duodecade of issues. The next few years will see The Duodecimal Bulletin nearly flicker out, leaving the Society struggling.