
The ninth Duodecimal Bulletin duodecade continues the trends of the previous dozen issues, minus the anti-metric sentiment. Some reprints grace the early pages, like Nina McClellan’s dozenal essay and two of the four Aspirant’s tests. Prof. Schiffman celebrates “The Most Appealing Integer Twelve”. Scott Proctor’s essay discusses various historical number systems, while Ms. Addie Evans pens an eloquent dozenal essay, originally on the hunt for a rational expression for transcendental numbers through alternative bases. Prof. Gene Zirkel extends the much-heralded seven-segment Schumacher binary-coded hexadecimal digit system to cover base five dozen four. In August 2005, DSGB member Bryan Parry started the DozensOnline web forum. In many ways, the excited chats on this forum resemble the ruminations of our Founders, sending letters to one another in New England and California five dozen plus years earlier.
In mid 2008, The Duodecimal Bulletin enters a new era in digital full color. Through the power of contemporary software, vintage color photographs of some early Members animate the histories of the DSA and DSGB in Vols. 49; and 4X;. Dozenal numerals are analyzed and celebrated in a two-part symbology theme, the software overcoming the long-mentioned difficulties with newly-devised numeral symbols. Wolfram Mathematica output can be folded into text seamlessly. Vol. 4X; No. 2 is the first issue to be distributed digitally as well as in print. Prof. Schiffman examines home primes in the last issue of the duodecade. In the closing issues of this duodecade, the Duodecimal Bulletin will be linked more often to material on the website. The future of the Bulletin is in your hands! Join us in our dozenal debate...send in your thoughts and ideas.