
This third dozen-issue sweep sees the internationalization of the “dozenal movement”, first in France through Jean Essig and his book Douze, Notre Dix Futur, then in England with the formation our sister society, the Duodecimal Society of Great Britain. American dozenalists revel in the newfound overseas kinship, in the apparent emergence of a system of interlinked dozenal foundations. Essig’s book and thoughts are cheered, a celebration reverberating in England. The DSA embraces Esperanto and other constructed languages of unity in order to efficiently reach out to international thinkers. Churchman continues to develop his “doremic” system of measure, as others explore Roman “Dumerals”, the abacus, and dozenal mathematical properties. Through the publications of Mr. F. Emerson Andrews and the general novelty of dozenal thought, some press attention visits the DSA. Materials are developed and published that aid in the teaching of duodecimal concepts to children and neophytes, including the Manual of the Dozen System in 1960. Meanwhile, the world is standardizing; decimal is gaining ground through the adoption of the Système Internationale and decimal currency. British brethren in twelve begin to worry that their £sd. system will fall to the power of base ten. The economic boom is on and things are humming; increasingly the governments of the world are decimalizing.