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Dozenal Society of America
Promoting base twelve and alternative base mathematics
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The Dozenal Society of America
The DSA is a voluntary, nonprofit education corporation, organized for the conduct of research and education of the public in the use of dozenal (also called duodecimal or base-twelve) in calculations, mathematics, weights and measures, and other branches of pure and applied science.

Collected Works on Reckoning Reform

Title: Collected Works on Reckoning Reform
Author: Sir Isaac Pitman
Year: 10X8
Subject: Collected works of Sir Isaac Pitman on the dozenal base.
Sir Isaac Pitman was one of the earlier consistent proponents of a dozenal system, and this article presents four pieces in which he proposed and defended the system. Better known for his system of shorthand, his work on the "reckoning reform" deserves more attention. One of these works, titled "Reckoning Reform," marks one of the first uses of the now-common "Pitman" characters for ten and eleven, which this year (11EE) have been included in the Unicode standard.